Lab: Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method to Minimize Rosenbrock Function

by Wei Dai (Oct. 8, 2011)


  1. Learn to implement preconditioned conjugate gradient to solve linear and non-linear optimization problem.


  • The goal is to find the minimum point of the Rosenbrock function f(x1,x2)=100*(x2-x1^2)^2+(1-x1)^2. It is a non-linear problem.




    Please download the file:rose_pre.m.


    1. Read the script and understand the algorithm.

      Figure 1. Convergence path of the conjugate gradient method.
    2. Execute rose_pre.m and produce above figure.

      Figure 2. Convergence path of the preconditioned conjugate gradient method.
    3. Change the control parameter pre=1, and execute rose_pre.m and produce above figure.


      1. Examine the number of iterations required for the conjugate gradient method and preconditioned conjugate gradient method.
      2. Compare the result to the steepest descent method (reduce to steepest descent by setting beta=0).
      3. Read the script and understand why beta is set to be zero every other iteartion. Try to run the script without resetting beta.
      4. Solve the problem Lx=t by preconditioned conjugate gradient (L=[4 6;2 5;0 3;1 4], t=[10 7 3 5]). Since it is a linear problem, conjugate gradient method should converge after 2 iterations.