Source Wavelet Inversion

By Chaiwoot Boonyasiriwat

Figure 1. a) True and inverted wavelets. b) Observed and synthetic data. c) Waveform residual over iteration.

Objective: Learn how to extract a source wavelet using source inversion.

Theory: 1D source inversion


  1. Download the Matlab codes: src1d.m, modeling.m, and ricker.m.
  2. Run program src1d.m in Matlab to obtain the inverted wavelet.


  1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method?
  2. Would it still work when velocity is inaccurate? How can we fix the problem?


  1. Use wrong velocity profile in the inversion and see the result. Improve the inversion result using a window.
  2. Compare the source inversion with the source extraction using SSP transform.