Waveform Tomography Code

OBJECTIVE: Adjust waveform tomography code and apply to synthetic reflection data.

  1. Load testnew.m and all related subroutines in same directory. Subroutines are plot1.m, plot2.m, synforw.m, plot4.m, indata.m, CSG.m, backsyn.m, and synback.m.
  2. Type testnew.m in MATLAB and see waveform inversion results.
  3. Adjust code so it is a conjugate gardient code. Rerun simulations, but reset every 5 iterations. Compare preconditioned steepest descent and CG performance.
  4. (Schuster's Students only) Implement preconditioning factor. Compare convergence. with CG vs steepest descent.
  5. Rerun for many shot gathers. Do the results improve?
  6. Why is the low wavenumber part of the model not reconstructed (i.e., only the top and bottom reflectors are reconstructed)? What are some of the procedures for reconstructing the missing low-wavenumber part of the model?
  7. Why are the sides of the model not reconstructed?