Wave-equation Migration Velocity Analysis using Plane-wave Common Image Gathers

Bowen Guo


figure layer_vel.png

Figure 1 (a) True velocity model and (b) inverted velocity model starting from a homogeneous velocity of 1.5 km/s by PWEMVA method after 20 iterations.

1 Objective

This lab is the manual to run the code of wave-equation migration velocity analysis using plane-wave common image gathers (PWEMVA). Read Bowen's paper.

2 Prerequisties

After finishing installation, set the environment variables. Add following environment variables to your ~/.bashrc,
After finishing installation, set the environment variables. Add following environment variables to your ~/.bashrc,

3 Procedure

  1. Load ./pwmva_package.tar.gz, extract all files to your working directory. The text file “readme” contains the detail descriptions of the PWEMVA package and the instructions of running this package. Also the modules need to be loaded.
    tar -xzvf pwmva_package.tar.gz
    cd ./pwmva_package
    source sourceme
    cd ./src
  2. Now you can compile the source codes. This step can be omitted if the user has not changed the code. First change the variable “DIR” in file “Makefile.config” to the directory where you put the pwmva package. Then type
    cd ./src/core
    cd ../apps
    make pwmva_semb.x
    make pwmva_warp.x								
    pwmva_semb.x is the executable file for the code pwmva_semblance.f90, which calculates local shifts between plane-wave CIGs by semblance analysis. pwmva_warp.x is the executable file for the code pwmva_warping.f90, which uses dynamic image warping to compute local shifts between CIGs.
  3. Next you can run the code by typing
    cd ../../working
    make pwmva_semb
    make pwmva_warp							
    The input files such as initial velocity, plane-wave gathers, acquisition coordinate files are stored in “./pwmva_package/model/2D_models/mlayer/”.
  4. The inverted velocities using the semblance analysis and dynamic image warping are stored under the directories “./pwmva_package/results/2D_models/mlayer/pwmva_semb/” and “./pwmva_package/results/2D_models/mlayer/pwmva_warp/”, respectively.
  5. To change the parameters and re-run the package for other data, please refer to the sections “parameters in pwmva_semblance.f90” and “parameters in pwmva_warping.f90”.