Next: 2D example
Up: An Efficient Hybrid Pseudospectral/Finite-difference
Previous: Accuracy comparison
Computation examples associated with the BP 2D TTI model as well as
a 3D salt dome model are now used to
validate the proposed hybrid pseudospectral/finite-difference scheme.
Pure P-wave TTI RTM algorithms are implemented to migrate one common-shot-gather (CSG)
using both the pseudospectral scheme and the hybrid pseudospectral/finite-difference scheme.
For comparison, standard isotropic RTM,
conventional VTI coupled equations (equations 5a and 5b of Du et al. (2008))
and TTI coupled equations (equations 2 and 3 of Fletcher et al. (2009))
using the finite-difference scheme are also applied to this CSG.
Ge Zhan