2016 Talks and Poster Presentations
U of Utah Geology and Geophysics Department, Nov. 23
Speaker: Gerard T. Schuster
Title: Wave Equation Dispersion Inversion. (PPT)
U of Wyoming Mathematics Department, Nov. 22
Speaker: Gerard T. Schuster
Title: The Boom and Bust Cycles of Full Waveform Inversion: Is FWI a Bust, a Boom, or Becoming a Commodity? (PPT)
Indiana University, Stone Age Institute, Bloomington, Nov. 19
Speaker: Sherif M. Hanafy
Title: Seismic Imaging of Olduvai and Laetoli Basins. (PPT)
SEG Near Surface Modeling & Imaging Workshop Bahrain, March 6-7
- Speaker: Gerard T. Schuster
Title: Can Seismic Interferometry Significantly Improve Characterization of the Near Surface? (PPT)
- Speaker: Sherif M. Hanafy
Title: Locate Shallow Fault with Seismic and Resistivity Tomograms, S-wave tomogram, and Surface Waves Common-offset Gathers. (PPT) and (PDF)
U of Wyoming Geology and Geophysics Department, Feb 12
Speaker: Gerard T. Schuster
Title: Hominid Seismology at Olduvai Gorge. (PPT)
U of Indiana Geology and Geophysics Department, Feb 10
Speaker: Gerard T. Schuster
Title: Hominid Seismology at Olduvai Gorge. (PPT)
Dallas SEG, October 16-21, TALKS/POSTERS
Speaker: Zongcai Feng
Title: Elastic least-squares reverse time migration
PDF (1.89 MB)
Day/Time: Monday 2:15 - 2:40
Style: Oral
Session: SPMI 1 Elastic Imaging
PPT: ppt (55 MB)
Room: D171/173
Speaker: Zhaolun Liu
Title: Imaging near-surface heterogeneities by natural migration of surface waves
PDF (3.75 MB)
Day/Time: Tuesday 8:00 - 8:25
Style: Oral
Session: SS 4 Surface Waves
PPT: ppt (27.5 MB)
Room: D174
Speaker: Mrinal Sinha
Title: Seismic time-lapse imaging using Interferometric least-squares migration
PDF (943 kB)
Day/Time: Tuesday 11:10 - 11:35
Style: Oral
Session: SPMI 2 Least Squares Migration
PPT: ppt (48.5 MB)
Room: D171/173
Speaker: Gerard Schuster
Title: Skeletonized wave-equation inversion for Q
PDF (3.22 MB)
Day/Time: Tuesday 1:25 - 1:50
Style: Oral
Session: SI 3 Wavelets, Q, Fractures, and Muons
PPT: ppt (4.04 MB)
Room: C155
Speaker: Shihang Feng
Title: Anisotropic wave-equation traveltime and waveform inversion
PDF (1.78 MB)
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:15 - 2:40
Style: Oral
Session: FWI 4 Anisotropic and Elastic Inversion 2
PPT: ppt (11.8 MB)
Room: C146
Speaker: Jing Li
Title: Skeletonized wave equation of surface wave dispersion inversion
PDF (3.06 MB)
Day/Time: Tuesday 2:15 - 2:40
Style: Oral
Session: SI 3 Wavelets, Q, Fractures, and Muons
PPT: ppt (5.12 MB)
Room: C155
Speaker: Sherif Hanafy
Title: Parsimonious refraction interferometry
PDF (1.0 MB)
Day/Time: WEDNESDAY 1:55 - 2:20
Style: Oral
Session: NS 1 Applications and Innovations
PPT: ppt (14.5 MB)
Room: C142