To achieve a better horizontal resolution for a fixed
aperture width, multiple scattering events should be used.
For a complex medium, the multiple scattered energy
arrives from a wider range of incidence angles than primaries, and so can
yield a much wider range of
values. This enhanced resolution
from multiple scattering is now known as superresolution (Blomgren et al., 2002; Lerosey et al., 2007 and many others). Recent studies at the wavelength scale of seismic exploration show that noticeably higher lateral resolution can be achieved
with certain types of field data (Hanafy et al., 2009). For the
Hanafy et al. (2009) tests, the field data consist
of traces excited by deeply buried seismic sources which
is far from the practice of seismic exploration where the sources
are near the free surface.
The question remains: can superresolution
be achieved by migrating seismic data recorded
by current technology?
To partly answer this question, I develop a modified form of reverse-time migration (RTM) (Schuster, 2002) and show with synthetic data that it can yield superresolution images if the velocity model is known with high accuracy. However, a drawback is the introduction of noise into the image.
This chapter is divided into three parts: method, examples, and conclusions. I briefly introduce the method first, then I demonstrate synthetic examples on the 2D SEG/EAGE salt model to show the feasibility of superresolution with seismic data. At the end, I draw some conclusions.