1. Compute the source-side and the receiver-side bandlimited Green's function by a numerical solution to the wave equation, for a source at trial image point and the recording position at source position and receiver position , respectively. This assumes an accurate velocity model.
2. Wavelet transform (Luo and Schuster, 1992) the Green's functions and to get and , respectively. Then mute all zero values below a given threshold in the wavelet domain and only store those nonzero coefficients to get the compressed Green's functions and . Save these compressed Green's functions on the disk.
3. After reading these compressed Green's functions from disk, an inverse wavelet transform is performed to
reconstruct the Green's functions
by decompressing
This is followed by a convolution step to get the compressed migration kernel:
4. The compressed migration kernel
is a Kirchhoff-like kernel
that describes, for a single shot gather, pseudo-hyperbolas of multiarrivals in
The reflection energy in a recorded shot gather
is then summed along such pseudo-hyperbolas to
give the migration image,