The solution of equation 3.11 is given by
An efficient orthogonal polynomial series expansion for the cosine function in equation B.1 was presented by Tal-Ezer et al. (1987)
For 2D isotropic wave propagation, the value of
is given by
(14) |
The summation in equation B.3 is known to converge exponentially for , therefore the summation can be safely truncated using a value of slightly greater than . Pestana and Stoffa (2010) have demonstrated that when , which means only two terms are kept in the summation, this approximation of the cosine function using the Chebyshev polynomials results in the 2nd-order in time finite-difference scheme. When , the operator term is included, this approximation is equivalent to the 4th-order finite-different scheme proposed by Dablain (1986) and Etgen (1986).