For comparison, I implement the single-source GDM first and the results are shown in Figure and . Figure shows the first-arrival GDM results, in which the migration kernel is calculated by convolution of the first-arrivals in the source-side Green's function and receiver-side Green's function. In Figure , the migration kernel is obtained by a full length convolution of two Green's functions. Compared to the LSM image using the full Green's function (Figure c), the one only using the first-arrival Green's function (Figure c) looks more noisy and less resolved below the salt body; however, it is much cheaper due to fewer samples in the Green's function for convolution.
Before applying the least-squares method, I did some tests on different phase-encoding functions. There were three types of phase-encoding functions, source statics, receiver statics and random polarity. Figure shows such a supergather with different phase-encoding functions.
Figure shows the 10-fold multisource GDM results using the first-arrival Green's function and the full Green's function. Only source statics are applied while generating phase-encoded gathers. It is obvious that the shorter duration of the source-side Green's function, the less cross-talk contamination in the migration image.
Figures and demonstrate the effectiveness of the other two phase-encoding functions, receiver statics and random polarity. From the comparisons of without and with these phase-encoding functions, I can conclude that both of them are valid ways to reduce the cross-talk noise in the migration image. If I combine the source statics together with these two phase-encoding functions, the cross-talk noise in the migration image will be further reduced.
A preconditioned conjugate gradient LSM method is then implemented with Figure a as the starting model. All of the multisource migration kernels are available, so no new simulations are needed to get the updated migration image at each iteration. This is the key point for an efficient implementation of iterative LSM, and the result after 20 iterations is shown in Figure b. I note that the low-frequency migration artifacts shown above the salt are successfully eliminated by the least-squares iterations, while faults and small structures below the salt dome are better resolved in Figure b. The multisource least-squares GDM image (Figure b) is comparable with the single-source version (Figure c) but with less random noise; however, the storage cost for the migration kernel and the corresponding I/O cost of it is about 1/10 of the single-source version.